
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Look Beyond The Book

Never undervalue a book. Even if you don’t care for the writing style, story, or genre, because writers work harder than you can imagine.


First, we must have an idea and cultivate that into the form of a story.

We spend hours upon hours putting words on the page, trying to form sentences that convey the pictures in our heads, into pictures in your head.

Those hours turn into months of work – or even years.

And that’s only the first draft.


Now we must read, delete, re-write, edit and write again.

We do this two, three, even four times, before sending it to a professional editor.

Editors are not cheap! For example, let’s say there’s an editor at .01 cent per word, the book is 50,000 words (and that’s a novella not even a novel at 100,000 words) the 50,000 words equals $500.00 cash. Generally, in USD as well, and if you’re not American, it translates to an additional couple hundred dollars in exchange.

Now we re-write, return to the editor, re-write some more, for three rounds. If the writer is happy with three rounds and ready to publish.


Now we need a cover. We can make our own free and hope it’s not too crappy, or pay an artist. There are too many options and prices here to list, but know this is an additional expense.


Finally, we load it up to publish and sit back – oh wait – no, we don’t.

We must spend more hours, (of which we’d rather be writing) and market the snot out of the book we just finished. Again, there are free ways and costly ways, but the hours always cost us. They take time away from our families, time away from other projects, time away from just chilling and enjoying the moment.


Know that when you find a book online for the price of a cup of coffee, or less, you can’t bulk at it, for it costs us a hell of a lot more to put it out there for you.

Also think of this when you’re done reading and can’t be bothered to leave a review. Reviews help us be seen and understand what our readers want.

If you want to show your support to art, join the Facebook event happening in Feb. Join “Our Books Are Not Free” and met hundreds of amazing writers from all genre’s in one great place.

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