
Friday, April 1, 2016


#Giveaway #Grammarly #Comma Problems

Yes, You read it correctly - At the end of my blog  - there is a giveaway.

I have grammar issues and comma problems. I don't even want to tell all you out there in the writing world how many years it has been since I attended school. Then, of course, I stopped writing for ...eek ... almost 20 yrs. While grammar was never my strong suit, I hope at one time I knew more and have just forgotten.

This is where Grammarly comes into play. So I stumbled upon this site that assists people like myself, who need as much help in the grammar department as possible. Sometimes I read what I wrote and think 'do you even English?'  And my poor editor! I don't even want to go there. 

So I picked up the free trial program that showed me my most common mistakes, and let me tell you, there were a lot of them. After a month, I said Yes! I needed this program and purchased it. The program is not perfect, but it does assist me tremendously, and I would be scared for the world if it was perfect....hello Sky-net!  

Not only does it help with Commas, but spelling, and grammar too. It tells me I may have confused words or Ambiguous pronoun, Passive voice, Unclear antecedent -What!? Ok, I really need an English course. 
There is always a drop down box with an explanation and an example. I am learning as I go and I am sure my editor appreciates not having to fix every sentence I write.

I get weekly reports as well, like this:

1. Missing comma in compound sentence
89 mistakes
2. Comma splice
59 mistakes Learn more
3. Incorrect use of comma
28 mistakes Learn more

Plus boosts, like this:

1917 unique words ▲ 115%
Your vocabulary was more dynamic (unique/total words) than 98% of Grammarly users.

Grammarly will grant a random winner with a free one-month Premium account.
If you feel, Grammarly will benefit you, or simply wish to try it out and see. Comment to me with your Email Address (I will not give it out or share, other then to Grammarly) Or use the follow me button on the right and I'll add you to the giveaway....Draw Sat April 9th, 2016
To be fair, I will print out everyone's email, put them in a hat and blind draw an email.
As Always Happy Writing! 

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