
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Fiction and Truth

Fiction and Truth 

Even when we are weaving tales of fantasy and telling tall tales, we still need to speak the truth. 

What this means is, you can bend reality, change it to fit your story. But it still must have some truth behind it. Otherwise, you may as well write your own language of gobbly gook that no one understands because people won't read it. 

But why?
Because everyone still wants something to relate to. They need to feel connected to the characters; they need to understand where the story is coming from. 

You can't pull something out of thin air and say hey this is my story that just the way it is. Do you think anyone would take your story seriously if your character used a sock and a cat whisker, rubbed them together and got fire? Any sane reader would scoff and toss out your book. {Perhaps if you had a wicked incantation to go along with it, they wouldn't.}

For example, you are writing a story that is set during the Civil War and its fiction. You still must use the same time that it happened, the same places, the same Generals. Because if you changed every aspect of it, it would no longer be set during the civil war right?

Same goes for your characters; they need to be as real as you, or me, or the manager at your local grocery store. If your character is weak and not up to par with a real person, then it pokes holes in the entire story. 

So how do you put truth in your work? 

Good old fashioned research my friend. Even if you are telling a tall tale of an alien race - so it's all imagination - no history there. Well, you still have science and astronomy and those people will be the first to tell you how a black hole, {in theory works} or what the speed of light means.

So don't ever sell yourself, or your readers, short. Character build, check resources on locations, read history from the era you are writing.

When in doubt you have Google right in front of you. Due Diligence will pay off in the long run.

Just another thought of the day. Happy writing Theresa

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