
Sunday, July 24, 2016

You Are Not Alone

Writing is no longer as Solitary as it once was.

When we write we are alone, no one can do it for us, and we can't have a group of people around chit chatting, it can be lonely and tedious work, but also rewarding.

These days, thanks to social media, we are no longer as alone as we once were.  We can pop online and post our work, ask questions, gain friends and colleagues, and share in each other's trials and tribulations. For myself, I've found this encouraging and it's pushing me to work harder and accomplish more. I enjoy both giving and getting feedback from people. Knowing that even one person liked a story I wrote makes it all worth it for me.

I have even recently joined a few authors and created an anthology of our stories to share with all of you, which would have been unfathomable ten years ago. So much has changed, and I am embracing it and running with it. I even recently joined Twitter, a place I had no use for before. I am not a social media guru, but I can tell you I defiantly have more sales using these platforms.  

So the point of this blog is get online and start sharing, talk to like minded people, share their works too. Read Indie authors and give reviews, and others will do the same for you. You never know who is going to see your work,  it just may be the stepping stone to greater heights.  

Also, this is my shameless plug to promote our upcoming book, "Shrouded Voices."   Of course, it will be plastered across all platforms this coming week, so keep a watch for it.

Happy Writing Friends. Theresa

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