
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Meet The Author: Monthly Spotlight

Mystery Novels By, Brett Wallach

Phil Allman, P.I., a misanthropic, sentimental, bitter, funny, romantic, lustful, grounded, slightly (?) insane divorced father of two from Philadelphia. 

A brief Interview with Brett:

Was being a writer something you always aspired to be?
I didn't start writing fiction until I was about 40.  I wrote songs since I was a teen, and figured fiction was a more realistic means of making money in my middle-age.

What would you like to achieve as an Author? 
 Money, chicks

What is your best advice based on your own experiences so far to other Authors?
Be thick-skinned.

What genres do you read and review to support your fellow Authors?
Any fiction

A quote by you or your Life motto?
“Screw you guys, I'm going home.” -Eric Cartman

While Brett may be a man of few words, about his personal life, his novels are anything but. Phil is cynical, funny, and smart. If you enjoy an old-fashioned gumshoe style of mystery than The Phil Allman Series are for you. 

Don't believe me - check out his reviews - or bits of them here: 

While reading this book, I felt like I was watching an old black and white film.

I enjoyed this slightly Hard-Boiled detective, who is as human as you and me

There are no slow spots or wasted dialogue to slow the story down. Another must read in the Phil Allman series!

Fast paced funny, suspenseful read!

Set in modern day but reminiscent of the film Noir gumshoe, follow Phil and you won't be disappointed.

Once again, the plot is wild, the musicology is first-rate, and the dialogue between Wallace's characters is so 
relentlessly grab-at-you that you wonder what this guy could do if he ever decides to write sitcoms for a living.

What are you waiting for? Go read or start stalking, guaranteed a good time.

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